
Children's Code


PRIVO can help your organization meet the requirements of the UK and US Children’s Codes.

Talk to one of our team members 


Children’s Code Program Details

PRIVO will support your online service to meet the requirements of the Codes, building privacy & safety by design into your digital experiences, to protect children and your brand.


Our team of experts will support your organization to:

  • Understand if your service falls under the scope of the Codes
  • Understand the concept of the best interests of the child and have a policy and process in place for assessing this if applicable
  • A Data Processing Impact Assessment is conducted and maintained if required
  • Assess the online service against the requirements of the codes and identify risks and implement controls
  • That privacy & safety by design practices for existing services and future product development are considered across the organization/business through training and policy creation
  • The program Shield will be awarded once the online service has met the requirements of the Children’s Code Program. The service will also be showcased in PRIVO’s Discovery Platform. 


Benefits of Working with PRIVO


Being in the trenches as a FTC approved COPPA Safe Harbor since 2004, PRIVO has a solid history helping hundreds of brands comply with COPPA, the GDPR and the numerous student digital privacy regulations.   

  • Work with top privacy, youth and media experts
  • Understand privacy risks and your compliance obligations
  • Discover solutions and ensure there are no lost opportunities to engage children 
  • Integrate PRIVO's age verification and consent solutions
  • Equip your team with tools and training
  • Protect your brand with licensing & partner support

PRIVO’s Kid's Privacy Assured Program

Work alongside our experts to ensure your services are compliant
while meeting your business or organizational needs.



Contact one of our team members