
Block Minors

Age Restriction Solutions

Prevent unauthorized access to age-restricted digital services, websites, and apps. Verify your user’s age, prevent fraud, and comply with regulations.

Learn more



Protect Your Brand

Does your company need to restrict minors’ access to digital activities based on industry requirements or privacy regulations? PRIVO will preserve your customer experience for age appropriate users while ensuring reliable identification and compliant blocking for users under your minimum age.

PRIVO Privacy Tech is your solution.

PRIVO’s Age Verification Solutions

The PRIVO iD Platform offers a suite of identity verification and authentication methods that are COPPA and GDPR compliant. The platform was designed with children’s privacy, data protection and security at its core. PRIVO’s age verification solutions can protect your company from engaging with minors, adding an extra level of assurance.


Verification Widget

You can embed our verification widget directly into your website, app or game to make age checks a seamless experience within your existing flow.


Online & Offline Verification Methods

Online and offline methods (e.g., credit card, last 4 digital of your social security number, driver's license, print form, phone, etc.) of identity and age verification offered, providing a better conversion rate than just offering credit card verification.


Continued Innovation

As an FTC approved COPPA Safe Harbor, PRIVO is authorized to sanction new identity and consent mechanisms that can be relied upon for COPPA, GDPR and maintaining FERPA compliance.


Easy Implementation

Invoke the PRIVO verification widget with a simple JavaScript API call. The widget can be called from a mobile web browser that runs inside the native app.


Smart Age Gate™

PRIVO can identify your users with a combination of age and role based tools, including receiving a signal from PRIVO’s Protection Registry Service, a consented opt-in data set to help put companies on notice at the gate a child is at their door.



Verifiable Parental Consent

Secure verifiable parental consent for children to safely access content and experiences with their parent’s permission.


Smart Age Gate™

Looking to restrict or block minors under a certain age?  

  • PRIVO’s Smart Age Gate™ can prevent children from changing their age to access services that are either inappropriate or which require parental consent.
  • Once configured to the required minimum age or age range,  the gate will remember each user’s initial entry into an app  or browser and will not allow changes to the user’s age.
  • The gate will correctly age up the user in real-time to ensure appropriate access.
  • The gate can also be used with dispute resolution if a user enters the wrong date of birth and consent, if, and when required. 

Protect your brand. Become age aware

Subscribe to the Minors Protection Registry.

Does your company need to restrict, block or tailor minors’ access to digital activities based on industry requirements or privacy regulations? The Minors Protection Registry™ effortlessly identifies minors without added friction to make informed decisions on user access, ads, experiences, and offerings, allowing you to have age-appropriate safeguards for your younger users.

Learn more about MPR

Already Verified
PRIVO iD Accounts

Users that already have an existing verified account can login just once with their PRIVO iD, in a convenient and age-appropriate manner, eliminating the need to share personal information like an email or phone number, and having to remember multiple usernames and passwords.

Parents can authenticate to PRIVO’s verification widget saving them time & effort from having to verify their identity every time verifiable parental consent is needed, streamlining the consent process and account management.

The PRIVO iD is privacy preserving, presenting a user as a unique identity to each online service prohibiting the ability to correlate accounts across multiple services.


Demonstrate Regulatory Compliance

PRIVO’s signature Kids Privacy Assured Program helps companies navigate the online privacy landscape. We can help your company demonstrate the highest level of compliance, due diligence and social responsibility to consumers, parents and law enforcement agencies, ensuring your company’s existing and proposed digital properties are compliant with: COPPA, GDPR (as it relates to minors), the Children’s Code, and other regulations and best practices protecting kids and student privacy.

Discover how PRIVO
can help you with
age verification.