The State of the World in Children's Privacy Recap
Below are our favorite moments from the FTC's workshop: The Future of COPPA. PRIVO's VP of Compliance Claire Quinn joined privacy professionals in their "State of the World in Children’s Privacy" Panel on October 7, 2019.
Click to view the full event via the FTC:
Now onto the first panel discussion of the day: State of the World in Children’s Privacy. #COPPAWorkshop #COPPA #privacy
— FTC (@FTC) October 7, 2019
The panelists are Phyllis Marcus (@phyllis_marcus w/ @HuntonAK), Laura Moy (@lauramoy w/ @GeorgetownLaw), Jo Pedder (w/ @ICOnews), Claire Quinn (w/ @PRIVOtrust), Dr. Jenny Radesky (@jennyradesky) & Janne Salminen (w/ Rovio). #COPPAWorkshop
— FTC (@FTC) October 7, 2019
PRIVO is happy to have Claire be a part of such an important discussion in the world of children's online privacy. These are important and necessary steps towards creating a safer internet for children growing up in a digital world.
Check out a few of our favorite moments with Claire:
@cquinnprivacy makes a great point. CCPA & GDPR frames it as rights held by the child. I would love #COPPA to reflect this understanding (which is also how the UN talks about children and the internet).
— Sara Collins (@SNolanCollins) October 7, 2019
@cquinnprivacy builds on this by saying age gates don't work because children want to be on the internet and fundamentally, children should be on the internet. We just need to build an internet that recognizes their unique needs. #COPPAWorkshop
— Sara Collins (@SNolanCollins) October 7, 2019
@cquinnprivacy (from a safe harbor) notes that not all safe harbors are created equal, & companies shouldn't be able to shop around for safe harbors that are less stringent. #COPPAworkshop
— Amelia Vance (@ameliaivance) October 7, 2019
@cquinnprivacy - you don't need to collect more data to know that you have children on your app/website. There are plenty of other indicators besides asking for age to determine the age of your users. #COPPAWorkshop
— Sara Collins (@SNolanCollins) October 7, 2019
How much do you know about the COPPA rule?
The U.S.'s Children's Online Privacy Protection Act is ready for some updates as the digital world is evolving. Learn more about COPPA or view our History of COPPA Violations page to learn what has gotten companies in trouble in the past.
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PRIVO is the first and leading global industry expert in children’s online privacy and delegated consent management. Being in the trenches as a FTC approved COPPA Safe Harbor since 2004, PRIVO has been helping companies not only comply with federal and international regulations, but work with them on integrating transparency and trust into their digital identity strategy, opening up the door for personalized brand engagement with kids and their families.
Recognizing the need for a dedicated compliance program for businesses engaging with minors in EU Member States, PRIVO recently launched GDPRkids™ to help companies demonstrate to their EU customers and regulators that they meet the highest standards for children's privacy.