PRIVO Takes the Hill
CEO Tayloe Provides Children’s Privacy Policy Briefing to Key Senators on COPPA and Commerce
PRIVO has always stood-up for COPPA Safe Harbors, parental rights and the safety and age assurance of children in online environments. Last week, PRIVO went to Capitol Hill to meet with three U.S. Senators – one democrat and two republicans – to both endorse Safe Harbors in any COPPA revisions and to “set the record straight” on Senate Commerce action on Kid’s Privacy.
Denise G. Tayloe, CEO, and her briefing teams including Claire Quinn met with U.S. Senators Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Sen. Edward Markey, the two COPPA Co-Sponsors, along with key Senate Staff from U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and is slated to meet with Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) to continue the conversation this week. They are a ranking member and chairman respectively of the Senate Commerce Committee.
“We need to recognize when minor children are at the door,” Denise told the Senators. “We have to ensure companies and their ad networks and social platforms know that your ‘kid is a kid’ and treat children accordingly.”
“COPPA Safe Harbor makes it much easier for online gaming and social community platforms to be held accountable and to ensure they know whom is inside the tent,” said Denise. Both Sens. Markey and Cassidy key legislative directors assured PRIVO that Safe Harbors are the law of the land.
“Senator Markey wrote the bill the way he wrote this bill originally” said Bennett Butler. “Enforcement is critical” as we add teens to the original Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).
Denise G. Tayloe met with key Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee staff to set the record straight on value of Safe Harbors to help companies self-regulate.
Mike Smith, Denise G. Tayloe, Tim Carlton and Patrick Fox met on behalf of Sen. Cassidy’s co-sponsored bill on COPPA updates.
Denise G. Tayloe met with Senator Bill Cassidy’s daughter who is interning this summer as well as Mark Wiltz, key legislative aide on COPPA.