Buckley Ratchford Joins PRIVO Board
For Immediate Release
Former Goldman Sachs Partner and founder of Wingspan Investment Fund brings decades of experience to Kids Privacy Assurance company Privacy Vaults Online
Washington, DC – Sept. 2 – Buckley Ratchford, who spent 14 years at Goldman Sachs as a Partner before launching his own business Wingspan Investment Management, a graduate of Harvard Law School (JD), London School of Economics (M.Sc), and Dartmouth College (B.A.), has joined the Board of Directors of Privacy Vaults Online (PRIVO).
Buck is a seasoned veteran with powerful connections in the New York banking and philanthropy community. He currently manages investments for Jackson Square LLC. Buck is also a father with specific interests in Ed Tech and Child Protection.
Denise G. Tayloe, CEO of PRIVO, said: “Buck is passionate about protecting children and is an extremely tech savvy entrepreneur himself. We are so pleased to have him joining the Board of Directors of PRIVO. Buck will leverage his extensive investment community network as well as his knowledge of our Ed Tech space.”
Buckley Ratchford said his ties with PRIVO clients through active investing and his understanding of the need for age verification and children’s privacy protection drew him to PRIVO. “PRIVO is the best-in-class Safe Harbor for kids and parents seeking to increase engagement while ensuring that kids are safe in these communities,” he said. “I am making it my personal mission to protect kids and have a special interest in young people especially women receiving equal access to gaming environments, educational platforms and social communities without the fear of being bullied.”
Tayloe added that PRIVO is currently seeking an expansion capital round of funding and that Buck Ratchford’s in-depth knowledge of private capital markets would be a valuable asset. “But most of all, Buck is a father first and an investor of great impact who wants to bring together his love of family with his investment prowess to PRIVO.”
PRIVO is the first and leading global industry expert in children’s online privacy and delegated consent management. As an FTC approved COPPA Safe Harbor since 2004, certifying hundreds of apps, sites and games that are top performing and well-known kid brands, PRIVO has been developing privacy solutions to empower positive, transparent and secure online relationships between companies, families and schools. PRIVO’s signature Kids Privacy Assured Program helps companies navigate the online privacy landscape from COPPA, GDPR to the numerous student digital privacy laws in addition to offering compliant technology solutions that include youth registration, age verification, parental consent and account management. https://www.privo.com/
Media contact:
Shauna Leff
Original press release was published here: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/550360628/buckley-ratchford-joins-privo-board