
By Industry

Artificial Intelligence

Building responsible AI and implementing AI compliantly into online services.

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Kids Are Everywhere Online and so is AI

Responsible AI

Industry has a special responsibility to children and teens. As AI advances, what steps should your business take to protect the privacy and safety of young children and teens and how do you ensure compliance with privacy regulations?

AI technologies bring new experiences for users and business opportunities for online services. However, it also brings potential for risks and harms. PRIVO’s Kids Privacy Assured Program could support your online service to manage the risks and harms and support compliance with the key regulatory requirements.

PRIVO's Kids Privacy Assured Program and privacy tech platform help streamline compliance and risk management for Al and privacy compliance.

PRIVO's team will support to:

  • Assess the risks and potential harms
  • Ensure compliant controls and risk mitigation
  • Demonstrate responsible Al use
  • Support with transparent notices regarding data collection and use
  • Obtain verifiable parental consent (VPC) when required

Demonstrate Regulatory Compliance

Incorporating AI into products and services or integrating third-party AI solutions triggers customer and regulator concerns around safeguarding data use, intent, and transparency.

PRIVO’s Kids Privacy Assured Program helps companies navigate the online privacy landscape. Our team can support your online service to demonstrate the highest level of compliance and responsibility to users, parents and industry as well as regulators. PRIVO can support your existing and proposed online services and platforms to ensure compliance with: COPPA, GDPRkids™, and Children’s Codes in the US and the UK. 

PRIVO has been an FTC approved COPPA Safe Harbor since 2004, trusted by leading family brands. 

The PRIVO iD Platform Drives a Better Digital Strategy

PRIVO’s platform capabilities are designed to optimize the experience of engaging with kids and their families. Expect better outcomes when children are not marginalized online, and they can be truthful about their age and receive protections to responsibly engage.



Smart Age Gate

PRIVO can identify your users with a combination of age and role-based tools including the use of PRIVO’s Protection Registry Service, a consented opt-in data set, allows parents to associate their children’s age with devices, and personal identifiers (e.g., email addresses, cell phone numbers), to help put companies on notice at the gate a child is at their door.


Age & Identity Verification Widget

Embed our verification widget directly into your platform to make age checks a seamless experience within your existing flow.





Verifiable Parental Consent

Secure verifiable parental consent for children to safely access ads and premium experiences with their parent’s permission.





Minors Protection Registry™

Does your company need to restrict, block or tailor minors’ access to digital activities based on legal requirements, privacy regulations or best practices? The Minors Protection Registry™ (MPR) is part of a multi-layered approach to age assurance.



PRIVO is here to help guide you to use AI tools and technology in a safe, responsible, and compliant manner when engaging with minors.

Contact us to learn more. 

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